Theoretically, all patients that you provide care for between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013 could be filed or refiled up to September 30, 2014, but you would have to use the ICD 9 diagnostic codes for these claims, as the ICD 10 codes wouldn't have been in force yet. This is an area of substantial concern of minesignificant delays in claims processing are conceivable.

There will be much, much more written on this topic before the October 1, 2013 implementation date. What you should do now is become familiar with the timeframe, set goals and target dates of education, work with your software manufacturers to find out how they are incorporating the ICD 10 code system into their products and, most importantly, stay up-to-date by understanding where resources for the ICD 10 codes can be found. (See More Information on ICD 10 codes, below.)

Theres no doubt in anyones mind that our industry is a dynamic one. The world of coding is no different. Change occurs on a daily basis, whether its in a reimbursement value, a new rule or regulation, or interpretation thereof that places the practitioner at risk.

They say that the path of change is a bumpy one. The U.S. health care system will certainly encounter many potholes as we go down this path, transitioning from the ICD 9 codes to ICD 10 codes.

In the end, we should have a system that is more accurate, more descriptive, allows for better reimbursements, and keeps us as a country current on the world stage.
ne of the key issues will be having to maintain both systems in practice for at least a year while this transition is taking place. Generally, health care claims can be filed with a third-party insurer up to one year past the date of service.


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Preface [PDF - 11 KB]

* Guidelines

* Index to Diseases and Injury

* Tabular List

* Index to External Causes of Injury

* Table of Drugs and Chemicals

* Table of Neoplasms

* General Equivalence Mapping Files

* Tabular Addenda [PDF - 1.1 MB]

* Tabular Addenda Errata [PDF - 15 KB]

* Index Addenda [PDF - 873 KB] Note: when the Index Addenda is viewed on a computer screen, it should be viewed using at least 100% zoom or more, depending on the monitor resolution, to ensure that the underlining is visible.

"ICD 10 Training Online, ICD 10 Implementaion Plan, ICD 10 Classes, ICD 10 Online Classes, ICD 10 Certification, ICD 10 Coding Classes, ICD 10 Instructors, HIPAA 5010, Health Care, HIPAA 5010 Planning, ICD-10, Health Care Payer, Health Care Providers, EHR, EMR"